Technical Approval is a quality subsystem which indicates the usability of construction products, processes and equipments which by their novelty or conditions of use are not included in the regulated technical field.
Technical approval is issued for products and equipments which can be physically made and for which is kept constant quality on the production line these being completely defined through structure, constructive system, shape/form, composition, physical and mechanical characteristics, how is working, links to all elements of construction.
Technical Approval can be requested by:
the manufacturer or his authorized representative in Romania or other vendor having the consent of the manufacturer for products and equipment;
holder of the process used on license, in case of new construction methods.
Technical Approval is granted for a limited period up to 5 years and is valid for holders and vendors/distributors requested in the request form by holder. At expiration, Technical Approval can be extended upon request.
Technical Approval does not absolve the producer or holder by the legal responsabilities relating the quality of products/processes/equipment and does not have the effect granting the exclusive rights to produce or to sale or to use the products/processes/equipment.
1) Initiate the approval process (the analisys of the demand/request for Technical Approval, contracting).
The applicant/client submit to CERTRANS LEVEL office:
the demand/request form plus a initial file which includes the manufacturer agreement on product sale by the applicant, in case this is another part than his authorized representative;
product/process/equipment description;
for imported products, the list of significant of prior uses (by indicating the year in which was applied);
technical reference documents;
information on the progress of implementation of Quality Management System and/or the production control system on manufacturer;
technical notification obtained in other countries or national legal technical provisions, based on which the product is manufactured and used in home sate;
previous technical approvals (in case of extension request);
internal approval report for products made in Romania;
notifications or other documents in accordance with regulations (if applicable).
Following the receiving of Technical Approval request form and analyzing the received documents it is prepared a price offer for approval and the applicant/client is informed about the period to issue Technical Approval, taking into account that the maximum time is 4 months. After acceptance, the contract is signed.
2) On-site audit
Qualified personnel goes to applicant/client headquarters/work point and perform the audit to manufacturer (factory production control) and verify the capability of the applicant to achieve the product/equipment as required in reference technical documets.
3) Tests and evaluation
In this stage there are assessed the results of test’s products/equipments which follow the approval process. Tests are performed in authorized laboratories in our country or in country home.
4) Prepare and grant Technical Approval (technical approval, technical notification)
Following the on-site audit at the manufacturer and after technical documents are verified, Technical Aproval is prepared and Technical Notification issued.
5) Regular monitoring
Qualified personnel performed periodically, over the lifetime of Technical Approval, surveillance audits to verify the capability of the applicant to maintainproduct quality as required in reference technical documents.