Technical inspection of technological equipments and equipment for construction confirms their ability to perform construction works at the level of quality required by legal, technical provision in force.Technological capability of different categories of specialized equipment relates to their functional parameters to assure.
The works with great impact on quality construction works which have to be made with specialized equipment, verified by third party inspection are the following:
earthworks (excavation, grading, handling and transport, finishing, profiling natural land).
processing works for concrete’s components.
preparation and applying of concret.
construction and road maintenance works.
processing works for steel products for concrete construction.
Technical Inspection Report does not exempt the holder (user) of technological equipment of legal responsibility to maintain the established functional parameters.
1) Starting the inspection (inspection request analysis, contracting).
The client submit to CERTRANS LEVEL office a request for inspection. After receiving the request and analyzing the documents, it will be prepared the price offer for equipment’s inspection. Following the acceptance of the price offer, the contract will be signed.
2) On-site audit
Qualified personnel goes to applicant/client headquarters/work point and carry out technical inspection in the presence of person authorized by applicant/client campany’s management.
3) Providing inspection (inspection report)
It is prepared a evaluation dossier for the product which includes the results of on-site audit. Following this it is issued the inspection report.