European Certificate on factory production control in compliance with Construction Products Regulation (EU/305/2011) is a document providing information about performance of a construction product, to be declared in relation with its essential characteristics for products made in Romania or other UE member states.
Our company can also offer you consulting services for:
Certification of quality management systems ISO 9001: 2008
Certification of environmental management systems ISO 14001: 2005
Certification of management systems occupational health and safety OHSAS 18001: 2008
“Third party” inspection activity for technological equipment in construction in operation and/or second-hand imported.
CERTRANS LEVEL facilitates each products provider to obtain certificates of conformity for construction products – the official documents which allow the identification of:
the name and address of the supplier whose products are certified;
field of application, as the case;
certified products which can be identified by different criteria;
the standard used to certification;
applicable certification system;
effective date of certification and the validity of the certification.
1) Initiate the product certification (certification request analysis, the contract of certification).
The client submit to our company’s office a request for certification for a certain product or range of product. After receiving the certification request and after analysis of received documents is made a price offer for product/products certification. Following acceptance of price offer the certification contract is signed.
2) Prepare the documentation (of product, process quality management system, respectively).
The applicant/client send documents relating to product manufacture which are analyzed and if they are in compliance with the standards provisions proceed to the next stage of certification.
3) Audit to the factory
Qualified personnel make a visit to applicant’s/client’s headquarters or branch in order to perform the audit to manufacturer (factory production control) and verify the applicant/client capability to carry the product as required by the product’s standard.
4) Testing and evaluation
CERTRANS LEVEL evaluates the test results for products which are the subject of certification in authorized laboratories.
5) Granting certification (conformity certification, the license to use the mark for products).
CERTRANS LEVEL prepares a dossier for product evaluation comprising the on-site audit results and product tests and issue the conformity certification with CE marking as required in the standard’s product.
6) Regular monitoring
Qualified personnel regularly perform, during the validity of the certificate the surveillance/monitoring audits to verify the applicant's capability to maintain product quality certification under the requirements of the product’s standard.